When you are refinancing a mortgage, you have the option of getting a cash-out refinance. This is exactly what it sounds like: a refinance where you borrow a larger amount than your existing mortgage, receiving the difference as cash.
You can generally use your cash-out refinance money for any purpose you choose without restrictions.
That said, there are certain purposes that are especially popular uses for cash-out refinances. Here are a few of them.
- Home repairs: If your home is in need of repair work, you can use a cash-out refinance to get the funds you need to fix the damage and stop it from getting worse. Doing so has a protective effect on both your home and your finances.
- Home improvements: Is there a home renovation project you have been trying to save up for? Maybe you want to redo your kitchen or bathroom, or replace your doors and windows with energy-efficient ones, or even install solar panels or put in a swimming pool. Whatever your plans, you can use a cash-out refi to help pay for the upgrades.
- Paying off other debts: Do you have some high interest debts you are struggling to keep up with? You can use the money from a cash-out refinance to pay off some of those debts. This will just leave you with the mortgage itself and its lower interest rate, which will save you money over the long term.
- Emergencies: Some homeowners may use a cash-out refinance to pay off unexpected emergency bills. These might include medical bills, auto repair bills, and so on. If you do not have a lot of liquid cash, you could also just use it to build an emergency fund.
- Investment opportunities: Another way to use the funds from a cash-out refinance is to invest in something. You could put a down payment on a second home, or you could invest the money in a new business, or use it to go back to school. There are a lot of exciting options here.
Get In Touch With Local Mortgage Broker Today!
The freedom you have to use cash-out refi funds as you choose is one of the reasons it is such an appealing lending product to borrowers with a wide range of financial scenarios and goals. Mortgage Consultants Group can help you get a cash-out refinance in Rancho Cordova or anywhere in California. To get started, please call us today at (916) 669-1682.